Add me to the list of Bourdain fans who loved the guy, but who weren’t really in love with the guy. By his own admission, he was kind of a jerk, and you’d understand if you’d read Kitchen Confidential. But man, I loved his shows. All of them. A Cook’s Tour. No Reservations
Practicing Law in the 21st Century… anywhere.

We’ve been on “vacation” since last weekend. I use quotation marks because, in all reality,…
Live from Dublin

This morning, Peggy and I awoke in Dublin, the capital of the Republic of Ireland. I’m incredibly fortunate to have traveled extensively since I was a young kid (Army brats never really shake the wanderlust), but until yesterday, the Emerald Isle…
Tuscany? Try Umbria instead.
No, really. When you travel to Italy, don’t just follow the tour books and stick to Florence & its environs– wonderful though they are. For just as much Italian culture and scenery (for a significantly lower cost), try Umbria. Right next door, and only a smidge less enticing than its more famous regional neighbor…
Italy: the Original Global Trade Center

Mille grazie, Italia.
I’m exhausted. My feet hurt. My back is killing me.
And better moods are rare in my life. Peggy and I flew back from UMKC Law’s CLE program in Rome last night, along with two dozen…
La Bella Italia!

Ah, Roma.
This morning, I had the distinct pleasure to once again speak on my alma mater’s CLE Abroad Program in the one-time capital of the western world. To hear my…
Observations from Great Britain

It’s been a quiet couple of weeks at the Hague Law Blog– I just returned last weekend from a lengthy trip to Québec,…
Observations from Montréal
The Hague Law Blog is not entirely about law this week—I am traveling for two different conferences, and taking in the sights, sounds, smells, and feelings of different lands.
This week, I finally got to visit the fourth largest French-speaking city in the world (sorry, Marseille and Lyon—you don’t even crack the top ten—African cities…
Global Entry and easier global business

I’m off to Montreal this week– a much-anticipated trip– for meetings and a conference, then on to Oxford next week to give a CLE lecture. When I come back, I anticipate a bit of a…
CLE Hours… amid the wonders of the Ancient World

The Hague Law Blog isn’t just about nuts & bolts lawyering. A bit of a deviation today… with an offer you can’t refuse. At least, not if you like to travel and fulfill your licensure requirements at the same time.
In Missouri and Kansas (and, I’m sure…