It’s official– yesterday we signed on to the Convention of 2 July 2019 on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Civil or Commercial Matters, colloquially known as the Hague Judgments Convention.*
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The Hague Child Abduction Convention: who to call
By Aaron Lukken on
Posted in Child Abduction, HCCH

[The TL;DR of this post: get in touch with Melissa Kucinski for help in international abduction cases.]
Well over two years ago, in “The Hague Child Abduction Convention applies first” I posted a bit about that Convention’s primacy when a lawyer calls me for help in serving process in custody actions. Where a parent has taken his/her child(ren) abroad contrary to the other parent’s wishes, or wrongfully retained the child(ren) abroad, merely pursuing a custody order in the U.S. is rarely the right first step.
Continue Reading The Hague Child Abduction Convention: who to call